🎮 Game🎮 :


Added new quest to VIP Instance for WB.


Added Spirit Healer in Sanc. Mall.


Added new custom made Spell to Water Elemental [Mage Summon Partner] which will heal Water Elemental.


Added new Sky Box to Vip Instance.


Added new WB to Vip Instance which will be spawned at Temple for 5 min after you kill specific amount of creatures.


Added new custom Spell Gems in Spell Zone.


Increased amount of Playtime Emerald needed for Netrox Power Core from 1000 to 2000.


Armor Sentex quest "Clear Land of Fel" will now reward 3 [Sentex Armor Token] instead of 1.


Weapon Sentex quest "Work with Satry!" will now reward 2 [Sentex Weapon Token] instead of 1.


Fixed Sparkling Star of Elune +4000 Intellect Gem to work correctly.


Fixed Valhalla Circle [Melee], now is available for Druids too.


Fixed Valhalla Neck [Melee], now is available for Druids too.


Fixed Hate-Sculpted Magma Staff for Druids [Now will go to Off-Hand so you will be able to have Two-Hand Sword in Main-Hand].


Fixed Vengeancecarved War Staff for Druids [Now will go to Off-Hand so you will be able to have Two-Hand Sword in Main-Hand].


Change: Hate-Sculpted Magma Off-Hand [Druid] now will have agillity spell on proc same like Dagger.




⚜️ Spells ⚜️:




Mend Pet : Will now heal pet each 0.95 sec [Was 0.60sec].


Aimed Shot : An aimed shot that increases damage by 10% and reduces damage done by target by 20%.  Lasts 10 seconds.


Multi-Shot : Fires several missiles, hitting 4 targets for an 125% weapon damage. GCD - reduced to 550 [Was 650].


Steady Shot : A steady shot that causes 430% weapon damage. CD - reduced to 3sec [Was 5sec]




Water Elemental : Added new custom made Spell to Water Elemental which will heal Water Elemental.


Water Bolt : Slighty increased overall dmg.


Freeze : Reduced CD of spell to 12 sec [Was 25 sec].