🎮 Game🎮 :


Added Item set Bonus to VIP 1 Armor set.


Added way to upgrade your Hesian Armor Set [Melee, Caster] to VIP 1 Armor Set with Upgrade Emerald.


Added new custom Glyphs in Proff. Zone.


Added new custom Glyphs in Esc-Shop.


Added VIP 1 Two-Hand [Melee] Staff for Druid.


Added VIP 2 Two-Hand [Melee] Staff for Druid.


Added new repeatable quest to Wanted Mall Poster.


Added new Blade Land creatures which are invading Sanc. Mall.


Added new update to Ring of Contempt!


Added additional mechanic to Mother of Chaos.


Added NG drop to all creatures in VIP instance.


Added Account Share Mount Script, which allow you to learn special mount on one character and that mount is added to all other characters on that account!


Increased addition healing which has been added on previuse update for a bit.


Ring of Contempt [Melee] can now be used on Druids too.





⚜️ Spells ⚜️:




Stormstrike will now do 130% damage with both weapons.


Exhaustion reduced to 2:30min.




Cat Form had got huge increase in Physical damage.


Moonkin had got decrease in Physical damage.




Howling Blast CD has been increased to 20sec.


Unholy Presence will now boost your overall movement speed by 15% [So if you have 145% movement speed 15% of 145 = 21 so your movement speed will be 161%].


Death Strike spell will now cost 20 Runic Power, instead of Runes.




Whirlwind GCD changed to 750 [Was 500].


Heroic Strike GDC changed to 950 [Was 1500].


Heroic Strike damage changed to 140% [Was 130%].