

Caster classes [Mage/Warlock/Priest/Shaman/Druid] will get periodic spells lifesteal.

Caster classes got low CD to spamming abillity cuz people had use exploit/hacks.


Added ores to Proffesion Zone with 5 sec respawn time.


Added Reagent Vendor in Proffesion Zone.


Added Hit rating to farmable Rings and Trinkets from offset zones.


Added 2 Meta Sockets to Antoris Caps and 1 Red Socket for gem.


Added more normal mobs to HOL.


Added buff which increase stats by 1% to Rings of Contempt.


Added Hybrid Classes Armor sets till Heroic II, Sentex will be added with new update in future.


Added herbs for farming/up your herbs skill in Proffesion Zone.


Added herbs trainer and Potion Seller in Proffesion Zone which sells potions for various herbs.


Added 4 custom made Dragon Bosses around Sanc. Mall which are powerfull but they drop 500 and 550 (in party) NG tokens, also have low chance to drop 4 of those mounts in ⁠🤫sneak-peak🤫 .


Added new daily quest to General Grashaal in Sanc. Mall which require from you to hunt down and kill those 4 Dragons few times.


Added new daily quest to Wanted Mall Poster  which require from you to hunt down and kill those 4 Dragons, 2 times.


Added 10 more Vote Island Chests around Island.


Changed quest Daily Quest - World Bosses so you need to kill 4x Bosses for quest.


Fixed some broken animations for spells.

Fixed Gem problems from Proffesion Zone.

Fixed Totem item problem to allow spawning totems.


Increased drop amount to Predator in Area 52 from 1-3x to 3-6x.

Increased drop amount to Lausher in Area 52 from 1-3x to 3-6x.





Blood Plague a disease dealing Shadow damage every 1 sec [Was 3sec] for 15 seconds.


Unholy Blight taking Shadow damage every 0.75 sec [Was 1 sec].  Diseases unable to be dispelled.


Anti-Magic Zone places a large, stationary Anti-Magic Zone that reduces spell damage done to party or raid members inside it by 75%.  The Anti-Magic Zone lasts for 10 seconds or until it absorbs  spell damage.

Damage enemy player/creature inside circle! CD 30sec [Was 2min]


Horn of Winter increases your total Strength and Agility by 3%.



Swipe (Bear)/(Cat) cannot be parryed, dodged, missed, increased dmg, and lowerd GCD to 750 [Was 1500]


Feral Charge - Cat/Bear causes you to leap behind an enemy, dazing them for 3 seconds.[Can be used as bear too, lowered CD from 30sec to 10sec]



Battle Shout increases your attack power by 2%.


Commanding Shout maximum health increased by 2% power cost 0 [Was 10].


Demoralizing Shout reduces the melee attack power of all enemies within 10 yards by 3% for 6 seconds.



Fan of Knives instantly throw both weapons at all targets within 10 yards, causing 110% [Was 90%] weapon damage with daggers. GCD 1000 [Was 2000] Power cost 45 [Was 70] 



Arcane Blast each time you cast Arcane Blast, the damage of all Arcane/Frost/Fire [Was only Arcane] spells is increased by 3%, effect stacks up to 2 times and lasts 6 seconds.


Arcane Intellect increase caster intellect by 3% [Was 51] .


Mana Shield Absorbs 750000 [Was 1561]  damage, draining mana instead.


Living Bomb duration 5sec [Was 12] CD 7sec [Was 0] sec, chain targets 3 [Was 2].


Blizzard amplitude 350 [Was 450].


Waterbolt (Water Elemental spell) casting time changed to 1 sec [was 2.5].


Water Elemental CD 48 sec [was 2.5min].



Flame Shock slighty increased dmg on cast and period dmg over time also amplitude 500 [Was 1000] (also your haste dont rush its anymore).


Lava Burst slighty increased overall dmg.


Lightning Bolt slighty increased overall dmg.


Magma Totem slighty increased overall dmg, amplitude set to 900 [Was 2000].


Searing Totem slighty increased overall dmg, speed up casting time of totem.


Totem of Wrath the totem increases spell power by 3% [Was 280] for all party and raid members.


Strength of Earth Totem the totem increases the strength and agility of all party and raid members within 30 yards by 2%.



Power Word: Shield draws on the soul of the friendly target to shield them, absorbing 500000 [Was 1617] damage.


Holy Fire slighty increased period dmg.


Holy Nova slighty decreased dmg.


Devouring Plague slighty increased dmg, amplitude set to 600 [Was 800].


Shadow Word: Pain slighty increased dmg, ampltude set to 575 [Was 675], aoe dmg to every creature in 8 yards range.


Shadowfiend duration increased to 2:50 min [Was 15 sec].


Shadowcrawl increases damage done by the Shadowfiend by 15% for 15 seconds [Was 5sec]. 


Vampiric Touch slighty increased overall dmg, CD set to 9 sec [Was 12], amplitude set to 600 [Was 700], aoe dmg to every creature in 8yards range.


Shadowform increased overall.


Shadow Word: Death put deadly Shadow Word on enemy creature which damage it overtime, aoe dmg to every creature in 8yards range.



Corruption slighty increased periodic dmg, amplitude set to 710 [Was 900], increased duration to 6sec [Was 3sec], set CD to 7sec [Was 12sec], aoe dmg to every creature in 8 yards range.


Curse of Agony slighty increased periodic dmg, amolutde set to 700 [Was 1000], duration 6 sec, CD 8 sec, aoe dmg to every creature in 8 yards range.


Curse of the Elements duration set to 3 sec, CD set to 6sec, increase magic dmg taken to creature for 5%.


Curse of Weaknessduration set to 4 sec, CD set to 6sec, target's damage overall [Was attack power] is reduced by 3% and armor is reduced by 5%.


Death Coilduration set to 1.5sec [Was 0.50sec], CD set to 3sec [Was 12sec],aoe dmg to every creature in 8 yards range.


Fel Armor increases magic damage by 3% plus additional spell power equal to 2% of your Intellect. Also regenerate 2% of maximum health every 2.5 sec.


Rain of Fire slighty increased overall.


Shadow Bolt chain to 3 targets.


Shadowflame slighty increased overall dmg.


Demonic Circle: Teleport CD set to 7sec [Was 30sec].


Suffering [VoidWalker spell] CD set to 6 sec duration to 15sec.


Chaos Bolt slighty increased overall dmg, chain to 3 targets.




Moonfire slighty modify dmg, period dmg over time increased + amplidute 600 [Was 1000],aoe dmg to every creature in 8 yards range.


Starfire slighty increased dmg, chain 3 [Was 2] targets.


Typhoon damage decreased, duration of stun decreased.


Thorns duration set to 30 min [Was 5min], slighty increased damage.


Travel Form movement increased to 100% [Was 40%], can be used inside of instances too now. 


Regrowth duration set to 1min [Was 30sec], periodic heal set to 1 sec [Was 3sec].


Rejuvenation duration set to 1min [Was around 15 sec], periodic heal set to 1 sec [Was 3sec].


Entangling Roots duration set to 10sec [Was 21sec], GCD set to 800 [Was 8500], CD set to 12 sec, damage slighty increased, amplitude set to 800 [Was 2000]. 




Whirlwind CD set to 0.5 remuved from GCD category, and lower it from 1500 to 500.