[11.11.23. Server Changes]



Added Daily Login reward at time 23:55 every day you will recive reward if you are in world!

Added new Sentex armor zone

Added full tier gear Sentex Melee/Caster

Added Top Voters sidebox on webside

Added so you cant buy new bag with items inside

Added 4 Druid cat and bear displays if you have right items in inventory

Added new zone for druids to farm for Druid Form Token

Fixed few bugs around questing/gears


Changed player create location [Now required all patchs!]

Class changes:


Druid Bear form increase stamina from 25% to 40%

Druid Hurricane interrupt on movement, lowered amplitude to 450, reduced cooldown from 13sec to 10 sec

Druid Protector of the Pack increased from 12% to 35%

Druid Starfall increased duration to 20sec form 10sec, reduced cooldown to 30 sec, reduced amplitude from 1000 to 650



Pala Judgements of the Pure reduced to 10% from 25%

Pala Divine Strength reduced from 5% to 3%

Improved Devotion Aura reduced from 6% healing increase to 2%

Combat Expertise reduced from 6% to 3%

Improved Blessing of Might reduced from 25% to 15%

Crusade reduced to 0%

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization reduced from 6% to 3%

Vengeance reduced from 3% to 1% 3 time stacking

The Art of War reduced from 10% to 3 %

Increased Crusader Strike from 107% to 136% 

Righteous Vengeance reduced from 30% to 10%

Increased Divine Storm damage 




Mage Blizzard will be interrupt on movement

Slighty increase Blizzard damage

Mage Blink reduced cd from 15sec to 7.5sec



Warlock Rain of Fire will be interrupt on movement


Death Knight:

Dk Plague strike reduced GCD from 1500 to 900 added chain dmg to target (2)

Dk Death and Decay slighty increased damage, lowered duration from 30sec to 15 sec

Dk Howling Blast reduced cooldown from 1min to 7sec

Dk Horn of Winter duration set from 1h to 12h, increases your total Strength and Agility by 4500 from 1000.



Rogue fixed Deadly Poison now apply to target.


All changes are temporary and can be change anytime!


Remember to delete your cache, and download patch A and patch K 


Your NetroxRealm Dev.